Video Marketing / 10 Apr 2024
Successful Strategy for Social Media Video Marketing

The average time spent online watching videos grew by 32% annually between 2013 and 2018. Zenith also predicts that by 2021, the average person will be spending 100 minutes per day watching videos online. This is 25 days. This is something marketers need to remember if they are to develop their social media video marketing strategy.

There are many ways video can be used for social media marketing, which is great news. It’s now easier than ever for you to get into video marketing with Live streaming videos.

This 7-step guide will help you create a social media video marketing strategy that works.

  • Set goals for video marketing
  • Choose your platform
  • Choose your preferred video type
  • Plan content production
  • Learn what happens after production
  • Promote the videos and schedule them
  • Analyze and understand metrics

Set goals for video marketing

It is important to establish goals at the beginning of any social media venture. What are your goals for your videos? These videos will be placed in the right place in your marketing funnel.

We recommend that you only set a handful of goals if you are just starting out in video marketing. This will help you not get overwhelmed. One example of a goal in video marketing would be to increase brand awareness. This is directly tied to the type and content of your videos.

Videos are often used for advertising by some brands. Videos may begin on a website product page and then expand to a social media ad. Some videos are created for social media ads only. This is particularly useful for direct-to consumer brands such as Lo & Sons. Product videos are essential to allow the consumer to picture the bag. The below product video highlights one feature of a bag that addresses common issues people have when traveling. It is relatable and concise. This video can be used on Facebook as a feed post, but it can also be promoted as social media ad.

Choose your platforms

Each major social media platform has its own video format. While older platforms, such as Facebook, offer many types of videos, newer platforms such as Snapchat and TikTok only offer one type of video.

Video on any platform is a great way to start video. Statistic data from February 2019 shows that Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook users spend approximately half their time watching videos. Any of these three platforms would make a great first step in your video marketing.

It can be difficult to keep track of which type of video content can go where and when additional editing might be required. For all details, see below and our full video specifications guide.


  • Video of landscape and portrait shots
  • Live Streaming (Facebook Live).
  • Facebook Stories (disappearing Content)


  • Video of landscape and portrait shots
  • Live Streaming (Instagram live)
  • Instagram Stories (disappearing content).
  • Instagram TV (IGTV) long-form content
  • Instagram Reels short-form content


  • Video of landscape and portrait shots
  • Livestream
  • Stories (Twitter Fleets).


  • Video of Landscape Feed
  • Livestream


  • Video of the landscape
  • Portrait video (may use some uploads to pillar boxing)
  • Short videos (portrait)


  • Portrait feed video
  • Portrait feed video

If you are interested in recurring series such as product guides, you should look into networks like YouTube or Facebook, where you can categorize them to playlists. Instagram added a series option to IGTV recently.

Must Read: 4 Different Types of Social Media & How Each Can Benefit Your Business

Choose your preferred video type

There are many kinds of videos available. We don’t mean the place where they will be placed. Social media videos can be used for many purposes to support your content strategy. It is important to determine the best type of video for your brand. There are many videos out there, and not all of them are the same. What is important is that they support your main goals.

Plan content production

You will save time and money by creating a content production plan. You need to plan how videos will be made and filmed, regardless of whether you use a flowchart and pen and paper.

There are many options available for content production and postproduction. The stress of steps 4 and 5 can be alleviated by hiring the best Digital Marketer in Kolkata. You just have to provide the direction.

If you plan to do this in-house, then you will need to consider all steps involved in making a video. This includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Identifying the equipment and props you need
  • Write a script
  • Editing the script
  • Storyboarding for the video
  • Plan the shoot to ensure optimal filming. Filming will not be linear for most of the time.
  • Assembling the right people to be featured
  • Identify the location(s) that you want to film, and take natural daylight into account when timing.
  • Where to send footage for editing
  • The person who will sign off each step’s approvals. You want the script to sound natural and in tune with your voice. It might be necessary to have two people review it.
  • Verify that the music you are using is legally licensed

You’ll discover ways to improve the content plan and things that were missed, especially if it is your first attempt at creating a video content plan. Once you have a solid plan in place, it is time to move onto post-production.

Learn what happens after production

Post-production is important, especially if you are making videos for advertising or have more editing requirements. Post-production is more than just cutting scenes and adding music to them. Post-production can also include text overlays, closed captions, call-to action screens, and other additions. You’ll need more time depending on how polished your film is.

Some videos only require light post production. Epic Gardening used live video as well as a pre-filmed and uploaded video in the examples above. After the video ends, the Facebook Live video will be published. You can edit the caption and title, but nothing else.

Upload videos will go through post-production. YouTube allows you to add tags, closed captions in multiple languages, detailed captions, and many other features.

Promote the videos and schedule them

Once you’ve finished the video, it is time to schedule it and promote it. Sprout and other management platforms offer publishing options for videos.

Youtube video in sprout

YouTube publishing options from Sprout include information such as tags, category and playlist, privacy settings, and privacy settings.

Videos on social media are not meant to be a one-and-done. A fully-produced video can be uploaded to multiple networks in a matter of days, depending on how busy you are. You can promote your video multiple times on Twitter. Live Streams require you to promote frequently to make sure that people are joining in the right time.

Multiple videos could be produced from a single film recording session. You could use different clips for promotion, or combine them to make new videos. When promoting videos, think big.

Also Read: SEO for blogs and web pages: What’s the difference?

Analyze and understand metrics

Analyzing a strategy’s last step is the most crucial. If you don’t look at the statistics associated with a video, you won’t be able to tell how it performs. What are the views? What are the watch times? The comments, likes, and shares? Every network has its own set of metrics, so it is important to understand what they are before you begin production.

You should also remember that older videos can still be viewed. A three-year-old video can still be relevant today if it has the right keywords and a topic that is always relevant.

There you have it! This guide will walk you through the 7 steps of creating your video marketing strategy. We hope that this inspires you to create your next video or to learn more about social media from the best Social Media Expert in Kolkata.

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