Designers Must Follow These Web Design Blogs

Designers Must Follow These Web Design Blogs

Designers Must Follow These Web Design Blogs

Designers Must Follow These Web Design Blogs

These 10 web design blogs offer great design inspirations and tips.

Every creative process requires a little help to get started.

A bug could inspire an artist. A babbling stream can be fodder for poets. Falling leaves can spark the imagination of fashion designers. But it all begins with something.

Best Graphic and best Website designers are driven by their creative instincts as much as the business’ needs.

How can one be inspired every day?

Is that even possible?

Website design and web development blogs are here to help.

They can offer both design inspiration as well as technical assistance, which is crucial in a competitive field like website development.

The Best Web Design Blogs

To help you get inspired, I’ve compiled a list of web design blogs to follow in 2018. This post is a perfect companion piece to my 2017 blog SEO Trends.

1. Web designer Depot

Web designer Depot provides you with daily news, views and resources related to website design, development, and maintenance. Each morning, these posts are delivered directly to your email inbox.

You will find detailed articles about web design, such as how to create heroes’ images. There are also polls that cover topics like when to start using CSS grid layout and are VR the new Flash. You can even relax with cartoons.

Follow them on Twitter or see their updates on Facebook. Or just enjoy the daily updates that will help you.

Must Read: How to Blog on Facebook – Everything You Need to Know

2. CSS Tricks

CSS Tricks was created in 2007 by Chris Coyier. It is the best place to go for CSS tips and tricks. The blog has expanded to include other aspects such as website design and web development, but it is still the best source for all your CSS needs.

Chris’s latest entry on CSS Color Level 4 is an example. Other resources are also shared on the blog, including design trends that don’t have rectangular headers. It is worth considering the design with jagged edges. The blog’s subtitle says, “Dashes of flair to elevate your designs a notch.”
Designers can feel the creative wheels turning in their heads. The blog’s best feature is its detailed CSS tutorials. Chris’s experiences with PostCSS are documented in the latest post on PostCSS. This blog is worth the subscription because it contains detailed code snippets and rationale.

3. Smashing Magazine

Like Web Design Depot this one seems to be a favorite with many designers. Smashing Magazine is an excellent site that clearly defines the different areas of web design. There are sections for Coding, UX design, mobile and WordPress. It is easy to navigate between the subsections because they are clearly marked.

The blog was created in 2006, so all of the content is still current! This blog is an excellent resource for best web designers who want to delve into their craft. You can purchase books and eBooks, subscribe to newsletters and book tickets for workshops and seminars.

This website is a great resource for web development. If you are OCD this site is a must. It is also very well organized. Their latest post is dedicated to Out of the Box design inspiration. The graphics they create are sure to inspire.

4. ColorWhistle

ColorWhistle, a Coimbatore-based web design and SEO firm, is one to be aware of. They have been providing the internet with beautiful designs for many years. Blogs are regularly updated with new content that will help you improve your web design efforts and SEO skills, regardless of whether you hire our services. We hope that you have saved this page.

5. Design Bombs

Design Bombs is my favorite magazine for its organization. I also love Design Bombs because of its clean layout. This website offers informative blogs as well as great themes and great deals on other resources.

This blog covers many topics related to web design, including WordPress and roundups of websites designs. Even a page is dedicated to inspiration in design.

6. Hongkiat

This resource is a must-have if you haven’t already. Hongkiat has many contributors that offer multiple perspectives on the same topic. You can also find distinct categories, such as technology, where contributors share their knowledge on particular subjects. For example: how to create custom Slash commands in Slack.

You will find great tips and resources for WordPress web developers, as well as some excellent ideas for themes. This website’s best feature is its ability to link multiple articles on the same topic.

7. Design Shack

It is simple and clean. You will want to click on the topic to read more. Visually Design Shack displays the most recent blog at the top of the page. Other blogs are followed. Over 3,000 blogs are featured in more than 11 categories. You can find inspiration from a gallery of design ideas for topics ranging from magazines and apps.

Their newsletter is free to subscribe and the community has more than 15,000 members. This means you have a lot of options for inputs. You can purchase icons, submit your creations and get inspired.

Your website design journey will be easier. Their post about using other backgrounds for websites was particularly interesting to me. We have more inspiration (the asymmetrical background can be a great idea for a client of an art gallery or a client at a restaurant).

8. Design Taxi

This blog is not just for website design or website development. This blog is where you can find all kinds of ideas. No, really. The Design Taxi blog offers a variety of topics that will stimulate your creativity.

It is easy to browse through the Infographics they have curated and get some ideas. This is particularly useful if you want to add additional content to your site in the form articles, videos, or pictures.

Design Taxi’s posts are funny and unorthodox, but that isn’t what creativity is all about.

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9. LogoDesignLove

This blog is a great resource for inspiration and stories about logo design. For any business, online or not, branding is essential. You will also be responsible for creating the brand identity for the website.

A logo is the essence of a brand. The Nike swoosh and the three-point star of Mercedes Benz are well-known. LogoDesignLove, a website that specializes in logo design and graphic design, has many great stories to inspire web designers.

10. Logo Bird

This blog is full of great resources for graphic designers and logo designers. They offer guides on choosing designers, inspiration designs, and artist stories.

Get more updates from my blogs. As a best Website Designer & Social Media Expert in Kolkata, I would suggest you can visit these websites.