How to increase your blog content through social media

How to increase your blog content through social media?

How to increase your blog content through social media?

How to increase your blog content through social media

My Name is Subhasree Banerjee. I am here to to discuss How to increase your blog content through social media?

One way to increase your blog traffic was to use the following:

  • Every day, start blogging.
  • Establish a following by being consistent and capturing people’s attention via RSS and email subscriptions.
  • Optimize your posts for search engines to increase their “stickiness”.
  • Wait.

#4 was, for me, the hardest. It is hard to believe that the blog’s age can have a significant impact on its credibility and value to the Internet. This was before social media.

As one of the best Social Media Expert in Kolkata, I can say, this was before online news distribution was dominated by social media.

You now have an advantage…

You can now start a blog and it could be a huge success tomorrow. You can now use the social web to your advantage by creating amazing content and sharing it with the masses.

This is basically what I have been doing with my blog.

Another blog I maintained for more than four years. I incrementally grew my audience by posting regularly and making small promises that were kept. This blog has now surpassed that blog’s traffic and impact in just a few months.

How did I do it?

It was easy. It was easy. I created posts that I knew would be shared by people. I then joined the conversation and shared the relevant content, and the content spread.

Although it is not always easy, it is not rocket science. You’ll get good results if you share valuable content that focuses on a specific niche topic.

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How to increase your traffic using social media

Here are eight ways social media can be used to increase your blog traffic.

  • Follow me on Twitter. Follow my Twitter tips for beginners. If it isn’t already on your blog add the “tweet” button to all your blog posts. This is how it looks:
  • Create a Facebook Page for your blog. This is an excellent, additional subscription option for Facebook users. I have met many new people through my Facebook page who are now friends. Check out my Facebook page to see how it looks.
  • Share your content regularly on Facebook. You have many great tools that can make this process easier. Encourage your followers to do the exact same thing by sharing this link on Facebook.
  • Ask other people to promote your blog on social bookmarking sites such as DIGG and Stumbleupon. Reddit is another example. This may be something you do occasionally, but it is important to not do it again as many sites will penalize sites that have multiple submissions from one user.
  • Social sharing tools can be integrated on your website. Flare is a great tool that allows you to combine social sharing options via Twitter and Facebook with email and social bookmarking sites.
  • You can use a social-powered commenting platform like Disqus and IntenseDebate.
  • Use catchy headlines people want to share. This is what most people forget to do. They post poorly-written articles with boring titles. Do not do this.
  • Write compelling content. It’s easy to think, “Duh,” but that is not what I mean. It must be great. It should be better than any other blog.


Know more: 4 Different Types of Social Media & How Each Can Benefit Your Business

If in doubt, be amazing

This last point is important to emphasize again: Create compelling content. You must make your blog stand out on social media. Also, be great.

This is the downside to social media. Everybody now has a voice. This increases the opportunity for people to communicate and be heard in this area. Either be very specific or radical. Perhaps both.

This new rule is something I personally like. This means that it is not possible to play safe. You can break all the rules and still fail if you don’t. This is how great communicators and writers will rise to the top.

What will you do? I hope that you will break a rule. I want you to be different. I hope that you will create something worthy of our attention, something extraordinary.

You may be surprised at how social media can increase your blog traffic. How? Comment below.

Also Read: Difference Between Blog and Content Writing